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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


The philosophy of Jafad College of Nursing Science is based on Dorothea Orem’s Self Care Deficit Theory of Nursing. It is our conviction that the central goal of nursing care is to maintain self-care and prevent self-care deficit. Optimum functioning of clients can best be maintained when clients are capable of maintaining self-care and preventing self care deficit. Orem’s conceptual framework explores basic understanding of physiological, psychosocial, and sociological factors that impede patients’ ability to maintain self-care. Orem’s theory can be used in conjunction with the nursing process as well as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to establish and maintain self care requisites. It is vital for individual patient to be involved in his/her care and to be an active participant in his/her overall plan of care. It is under such conditions that optimum functioning of patients can be achieved. To achieve this, Jafad College of Nursing Science believes that individual requirements vary and clients are culturally diverse and therefore, require a more individualistic and holistic approach to health.

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