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Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
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Applicants to Jafad College of Nursing Science must possess WASSCE/NECO (O’ Level) with credit in five (5) subjects including English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry at not more than two (2) sittings. Applicants must pass the entrance examination and the oral interview. Entrance examination questions will cover English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, General Knowledge, current Affairs and Introduction to Nursing. Date and time of examination and interview will be announced at the beginning of the application process. It must be stated that there is no single criteria for successful applicants, rather, an aggregation of factors will be used to select applicants. The goal of the admission committee is to identify candidates that would be a perfect fit for our nursing program and will be able to withstand the rigor of the program.

Candidates will be required to meet the following additional requirements:

  • Write a personal essay detailing reasons for the candidates’ choice of a career in Nursing and brief information about him/herself.
  • Provide three letters of reference from competent individuals who can attest to the candidates’ character, educational ability, and experience.
  • Evidence of current Basic Life Support (BLS) certification for Adult, Child, Infant and AED may be required. Failure to meet this requirement will not affect students’ eligibility for admission, as this requirement is incorporated into our basic general nursing program.
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