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At many instances, I have been asked the question: What is Jafad? My simple answer is: our students, both current and prospective students, staff, faculty and community are Jafad. In short, we are all Jafad. It is the great people like you that make Jafad what it is – a creative, transformative institution that will positively change nursing education in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa and propel us to reach our optimum potential as an academic institution of excellence.



The mission of Jafad College of Nursing Science is to prepare the new generation of Nigerian youth for technological and professional development of nursing profession in Nigeria and Africa. Jafad College of Nursing Science , Oru is an academically comprehensive educational institution, dedicated to advancing knowledge and community and to providing every student with a valuable, technology-focused education, with the overall goal of changing and improving nursing in Nigeria through quality education. At Jafad College of Nursing Science , professors and students collaborate together to create excellent learning environments and build an interactive scholarly atmosphere. Our goal is to shape nursing through quality education.


Jafad College of Nursing Science will be the leading Nigerian educational institution, with excellence in experiential education, theoretical and clinical research, innovative nursing education and community rejuvenation. The aggregation of Jafad resources – world-class faculty, dedicated staff, well-trained students with impeccable characters, global collaboration, integration of information technology, and supportive leaders – will be used to revolutionize the delivery of educational information, change nursing culture, and enrich the manpower development in Nigeria and Africa through outstanding, complete education. Jafad’s goal is to become a leader in providing quality education in Nigeria, in shaping the nursing culture, improving professionalism and enacting research-driven institution gear toward sustainability in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa.


The Jafad College of Nursing Science is an educational institution committed to enhancing research in healthcare and health-related areas. Our goal is to devote efforts and resources toward better understanding of complex health issues confronting Nigeria and other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. We hope to achieve this feat by empowering our faculty and students to research different areas that are of interest to them. Support will also be given to faculty members to pursue doctoral education and to remain active in experimental and investigational research initiatives. We want to be a pioneer in this regard among colleges in Sub-Saharan Africa. Our research activities will be driven by faculty from all disciplines.

Research funding and fellowship opportunities will be announced shortly.


At Jafad College of Nursing Science , premium importance is placed on computer education and mastery of computer technology. All our students and faculty members are encouraged to take advantage of training and facilities available in our ICT lab. Our library is housed in a large building. The library is tastefully furnished with adequate infrastructure for the comfort of our students and staff. The ICT Center can comfortably seat 100 students at a time. One hundred computers have been acquired for the use of our students and faculty. Additional computer laboratories are under construction for use in the nearest future. Jafad’s goal is to acquire additional 250 computers in the first two years of academic activity. The ICT Center is equipped with 24-hour internet facilities. Dedicated computer experts work full-time in the ICT center to support the smooth operations of the center and to help train faculty and students of our school.


Although the world is very diverse, the entire globe is now more connected than ever before. In today’s global situation, there is a need for international exposure and education. This is necessary for students to confront the challenges of global integration in the 21st century and beyond. At Jafad College of Nursing Science , we promote interaction between our students and faculty, and professors and students from outside Nigeria. Periodically, world-class professors from abroad are brought in to educate and interact with our students and faculty. Also, students from abroad are encouraged to study alongside Jafad students. The aims of this program are to expand the educational experience of our students, and to promote intellectual cooperation between our faculty and faculty from foreign universities and colleges. In this way, Jafad College of Nursing Science brings an international dimension to educational life through our cooperative program with these foreign students and professors. Through this arrangement, our faculty and students are provided the rare opportunity to gain rich experience, build professionalism and acquire knowledge that will lead to collaboration on a global scale.


At Jafad College of Nursing Science we take pride in our location and the communities around us. It is the desire of Jafad College of Nursing Science to continue to touch the host communities in positive ways and to continue to enhance the living standard of the people in the community. Many programs and initiatives coordinated by the school are aimed at helping and building capacity of the inhabitants of the host communities.

Some of the programs designed by the institution include:

  • img Poverty alleviation programs
  • img Educational and scholarship assistance for indigent students.
  • img A food pantry for elderly and the poor
  • img Capacity-building through vocational training of host communities
  • img Educating communities about health promotion and disease prevention
  • img Public service by students and faculty
  • img Philanthropic activities that support local economics and individual wellbeing
  • img Support education of children and community youth
  • img Engage in poverty alleviation programs to support the poor members of the community.


Jafad College of Nursing Science , Oru is an academically comprehensive educational institution, dedicated to advancing knowledge and communities and to providing every student with a valuable, technology-focused education, with the overall goal of changing and improving nursing profession in Nigeria through quality education. At Jafad, professors and students collaborate in an excellent learning environment and build an interactive scholarly atmosphere. Our goal is to shape nursing through quality education.

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