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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


Jafad is committed to ensuring the health and wellness of our students and staff. It is our goal to encourage our students and staff to embrace good health practices. Our institution offers programs and services that help maintain both physical and psychological wellness of our students.

Services offered to our student community include the following:

    • Counseling and Health: Physical, social, and psychological challenges could impede the optimum performance of students in their academic pursuits. To promote physical and psychological wellness of our student community, counselling services are offered to all our students and staff. Our students are provided with dedicated counselors that help them in resolving any physical or psychological issues that can affect their academic goals.
    • Jafad Clinic: A well-staffed health center is located on the school campus to cater to the health needs of our students and staff. Our clinic caters to different health problems that include medical, mental health, and women’s health. The health of our students is our concern and we are devoted to helping them access quality health in standard hospital if the need arises.
    • Counseling Unit: A friendly center is established to provide free, confidential counseling services to our student community. Periodically, the Counseling Center organizes workshops and presentations on issues that may affect our students in the course of their academic pursuits. Counseling will be provided on different topics and would include topics such as stress management, emotional control, and time management.
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