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Jafad College of Nursing Science ’s conceptual framework is based on Dorothea Orem’s self-care deficit theory of nursing. The following concepts are defined using Orem’s theory:

  • Nursing: Nursing is essentially a caring profession that focuses on eliminating self-care deficit by promoting patient’s independence and enhancing optimum functioning. To maintain optimum functional level it is imperative that the client maintains self-care and prevent self-care deficit. In doing this, nursing actively involves the client in his/her care.
  • Humans: In nursing, the client is given holistic consideration. In this case, healing the whole person is considered the main goal of nursing. There is interconnectedness between the physical, psychosocial, and spiritual aspects of a person. To this end, a person is viewed not just from the physical perspectives, rather a person is seen from the totality of physical, psychosocial, and spiritual realms. Incorporating all the integral parts of a person in his/her care is a way of ensuring complete healing process.
  • Health: Health is considered a state of equilibrium, or a state of wholeness or integrity of a person. This is the ability of a person to maintain optimum functioning ability. Thus, health is a process that empowers human to maintain self-care and prevent self-care deficit.
  • Environment: Environment is an important part of providing holistic care to clients. The physiological, social, psychological, and spiritual factors constitute the environment. Environment plays a great role in the healing process. To maintain self-care and prevent self-care deficit, nurses are expected to provide clients with stable, caring and safe environment.
  • Teaching-learning process: It is the belief of Jafad College of Nursing Science that the teaching-learning process should be interactive. A friendly and conducive environment should be created where students and instructors can communicate and exchange ideas on issues relating to nursing. It is our belief that excellent education can only take place in an environment that makes students actively involved in the learning process.
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